Welcome to "Stupid Simple Marketing"® training

Everything you need to reach $10k months in your coaching business effortlessly!

Intro: (Not just another guy coaching coaches “how to get clients fast and easy”)

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Module 1: Mindset (what you think is what you become)

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Module 2: Niche (Riches are in the niches)

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Module 3: Ideal Avatar (Someone desperately looking just for you)

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Module 4: Offer (Create an Offer people would feel stupid saying NO)

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Module 5: Delivery (How would you like to serve clients?)

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Module 6: Sales (Selling is all about diagnosing and prescribing solution to someone in pain)

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Module 7: Branding/website (That's how they will remember you when you are not around)

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Module 8: Content (Keep them coming back for more)

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Module 9: Get Clients (Ask them to raise their hands in the herd)

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Module 10: Funnels (BONUS) (Attract like a magnet and convert with you spell)

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Conclusion: (if this was not enough)

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This free training should be sufficient enough to get the first client or reach 10k a month on your own if you do it right!

Note: Resources and cheat sheets are part of the paid “1:1, Done With You” program that I offer.

Book a strategy session with me here

To learn more about My 45 days “Stupid Simple Marketing Blueprint” program!

© copyright Him Singh 2022

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